H&R Block, Author at Wall Street Insanity https://wallstreetinsanity.com Making Money Less Insane Fri, 16 Feb 2018 17:08:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 39880650 10 Emotions You Feel When You Get a Tax Refund Check https://wallstreetinsanity.com/10-emotions-you-feel-when-you-get-a-tax-refund-check/ https://wallstreetinsanity.com/10-emotions-you-feel-when-you-get-a-tax-refund-check/#respond Sat, 27 Jan 2018 19:28:24 +0000 https://wallstreetinsanity.com/?p=37147 It’s that time of year: tax return season! And when you get your tax refund check, there are 10 complicated emotions that run through your head. Like… 1. The desire to sing, “Hallelujah!” You just got your tax refund check, but when you see it, you don’t just see a tax refund check. You see cash money. You see cash ...

The post 10 Emotions You Feel When You Get a Tax Refund Check appeared first on Wall Street Insanity.


It’s that time of year: tax return season! And when you get your tax refund check, there are 10 complicated emotions that run through your head. Like…

1. The desire to sing, “Hallelujah!”


Seinfeld/Hulu/ via giphy

You just got your tax refund check, but when you see it, you don’t just see a tax refund check. You see cash money. You see cash money that the government didn’t take from you. And that makes you feel like giving the bright blue sky a big “Hallelujah!” You want to praise the lord or Buddha or Yahweh or the universe or whoever! Because this year, you got #blessed and you didn’t owe the government more than you thought you did – you actually got some moolah back! What you’re feeling right now is that glorious holy-moly-me-oh-my hallelujah-style happiness.

2. Thankfulness.

You thought about doing your taxes yourself. You know, just winging it. But then you started looking at how hard it was to do that, you decided to consult with the experts. You got an accountant or you went in for help. And because you took that step, you are feeling a firm sense of thankfulness right now for the dude in the glasses and starched white shirt. Thank you to the tax experts, thank you for the money.

3. Pride.

Even if you’re a bleeding-heart liberal who loves to see her money going to a good cause, no one really likes the feeling of giving money to the big mean tax man. When it comes time to give your hard-earned money to the big guys in D.C., that whole “we’re all better off when we’re all better off” philosophy makes you feel a lot less better off. You worked hard for your money. Don’t you deserve all of it? At the same time, looking at your tax return, you feel a speck of pride. You’re an American, and you did your duty as an American: you reported your hours and worked within the system. And sometimes, that system rewards you – like right now.

4. Self-love.

Next up, you are feeling some self-love, and a whole lot of it. You think about how hard you worked this year, how many times you went into work when you didn’t feel like it, how many days you clocked in for the man. And now a little piece of that hard work is staring back at you at last, saying, love yourself! You earned this! Now go spoil yourself!

5. The burning desire to spend.


Fox/Simpsons/ via giphy

You know that your momma told you to save your money. The place where a tax return belongs is in your savings. Buuut then again… one of the best ways you can express that self-love you’re feeling is to go on a shopping spree. You never buy yourself what you really want. It’s always just what you need. So why not just blow it on something cool for once?

6. A creeping sense of responsibility.

You absolutely know what you should do with this tax refund check. You really should just leave it in the bank. Wasn’t there an option to just drop it in the bank, to not even see this piece of paper with an all-too-spendable amount of money on it? Now, though, you’ve got money in your hands. You’d like to be responsible with it. And then…

7. Shame.

Are you really thinking about spending this money? Now, you’re embarrassed of yourself. You know you should be putting this money away like the full-grown adult that you are. There should be no question here: you save the money. But then…

8. A grounded sense of acceptance.

Who are you kidding? You are totally going to spend this baby. It’s not enough money to bulk up your savings anyway, and you owe it to yourself to get a little something fun every once in a while.

9. Creativity.

But what will you spend it on? You can’t just blow a tax return on groceries or bills. That’s what your salary is for. This has got to be a special kind of something. Like a professional massage. Or a whole day at the spa. Or a tattoo…

10. Regret (but not really).

upset with money
So, you spent your tax return check. You kinda spent the whole thing in one day. And while you thought about putting it in your savings a handful of times, you knew all along that you were going to spend it. You feel a glimmer of regret, for just a second. Wait, no. That’s not regret! What you’re feeling is the final emotion you feel after you’ve received your long-awaited and well-deserved tax return check: joy.

File your taxes for free with H&R Block More Zero this year and get your taxes won.

The post 10 Emotions You Feel When You Get a Tax Refund Check appeared first on Wall Street Insanity.

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12 Smart Things To Do With Your Tax Refund https://wallstreetinsanity.com/12-smart-things-to-do-with-your-tax-refund/ https://wallstreetinsanity.com/12-smart-things-to-do-with-your-tax-refund/#respond Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:20:43 +0000 https://wallstreetinsanity.com/?p=37099 You’ve submitted your return, paid your taxes, and even managed to get a refund from the IRS. While it may be tempting to embark on a shopping spree, using your cash more wisely can give you a financial boost. Here are 12 smart things to do with your tax refund. 1. Pay off debt. It’s no secret that the quicker ...

The post 12 Smart Things To Do With Your Tax Refund appeared first on Wall Street Insanity.



You’ve submitted your return, paid your taxes, and even managed to get a refund from the IRS. While it may be tempting to embark on a shopping spree, using your cash more wisely can give you a financial boost. Here are 12 smart things to do with your tax refund.

1. Pay off debt.

It’s no secret that the quicker you pay off debt, the less interest you pay in the long run. Why not use your tax refund to overpay your credit card bill, student loan, or mortgage? Determine which debt carries the highest interest rate, and opt to tackle that one.

2. Start an emergency fund.

Everyone has expensive problems thrown their way at some point, whether it’s a broken water heater or a major car repair. Having cash on hand to deal with those expenses can be a lifesaver when the time comes. If you already have an emergency fund, consider using your tax refund to make it larger.

3. Boost your savings account.

Putting your tax refund into a savings account is a great option. This allows you to save your money for a rainy day while earning interest on your cash. Be sure to shop around for accounts that offer the best interest rates – you always want to make sure your money is working as hard as it can for you.

4. Purchase stocks.

Although stocks are a more risky investment, they also have the potential to provide great returns. If you choose this option, be sure to do your due diligence ahead of time. It can also be helpful to talk to a financial professional before taking the plunge.

5. Fund your retirement.

Putting money away for your retirement is a gift to your future self. Consider putting your tax refund towards a Roth or traditional IRA, so the cash can grow and expand through the years. You’ll thank yourself when you’re older.

6. Grow your child’s college fund.

College is expensive, and the cost is only growing. Investing in your child’s education can help lessen the burden when they turn 18. This is seen as a wise move, considering the majority of US students graduate with massive amounts of debt.

7. Make home improvements.

If you’ve been dreaming of updating your kitchen or renovating your bathroom, you may want to use your tax refund to pay for it – at least partially. Certain home improvements can also increase the value of your home, which is always a good thing.

8. Invest in your career.

Learning new skills related to your career can help better your chances of professional advancement. Classes at a local college or community center can be great investments if they provide you with useful credentials.

9. Get healthy.

Your health is your most important asset, so investing in it only makes sense. Joining a gym or enrolling in a fitness boot camp are both great ways to keep fit and lose weight. If you struggle with motivation, you may want to consider hiring a personal trainer to keep you on the right track.

10. Give your car some TLC.

If you’ve been putting off an oil change or a new set of tires, now is the time to give your car the love it needs. Routine maintenance is necessary to keep your vehicle running to the best of its ability, ensuring you’ll have a reliable ride for years to come.

11. Put it towards a down payment.

Saving for a house? Down payments and closing costs can be expensive, but your tax refund can get you closer to your goal of becoming a homeowner. If you have any money left over after the closing, you can always spend it on furnishing your house.

12. Buy something you need.

If your winter coat is falling apart at the seams or your refrigerator doesn’t seem to chill like it used to, don’t feel guilty about spending money to replace them. Just remember there’s a difference between investing in items you need and items you want.

These suggestions are great ways to ensure your tax refund gets put to good use. If temptation strikes, just remember that long-term investments are more rewarding than short-term splurges.

File your taxes for free with H&R Block More Zero this year and get your taxes won.

The post 12 Smart Things To Do With Your Tax Refund appeared first on Wall Street Insanity.

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