Tom Kieley, Author at Wall Street Insanity Making Money Less Insane Sun, 03 Feb 2019 19:01:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 39880650 Study Finds Video Game Play Leads To Better Social Skills Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:46:07 +0000 A new Oxford University study suggests children who play video games for an hour or less per day are more sociable than their peers. This study, published in the Journal of Pediatrics received data from 5000 British children between the ages of 10 and 15 (half male and half female). Each participant was surveyed on the following: Satisfaction of life ...

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Image via Shutterstock

Image via Shutterstock

A new Oxford University study suggests children who play video games for an hour or less per day are more sociable than their peers.

This study, published in the Journal of Pediatrics received data from 5000 British children between the ages of 10 and 15 (half male and half female). Each participant was surveyed on the following:

  • Satisfaction of life
  • Levels of hyperactivity
  • Empathy
  • Interaction among peers
  • Hours spent playing

The results, based on the above key indicators, revealed that children who spent up to one hour daily playing video games led happier lives than those who never picked up a controller. They were able to externalize feelings and emotions, whereas children who spent three hours or more on video games had a habit of internalizing their emotions.

Too little or too much of anything is going to lead to disaster. In the case of the British children, playing too many video games or no games at all has caused them to miss certain opportunities like learning social skills or being able to relax. The result is their unhappiness. Then again, it could always be some old fashion teenage angst.

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Toys ‘R’ Us Anatomically Correct Baby Doll Causes Controversy Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:10:33 +0000 Many parents and Internet users have found themselves in a debate over the appropriateness of a baby doll found at Toys “R” Us. According to a Huffington Post report, it all began when a New Jersey mother was helping her daughter change the doll’s diaper and discovered it had a penis. Upset about the surprise, she posted a nude image of the “You ...

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Image via Toys 'R' Us

Image via Toys ‘R’ Us

Many parents and Internet users have found themselves in a debate over the appropriateness of a baby doll found at Toys “R” Us.

According to a Huffington Post report, it all began when a New Jersey mother was helping her daughter change the doll’s diaper and discovered it had a penis. Upset about the surprise, she posted a nude image of the “You & Me Mommy Change My Diaper Doll” on Facebook and the discussion began.

What The People Are Saying

Monica Beyer of, supports the doll and sees a simple solution for the parents. She writes, “How on earth is it inappropriate for a child to see a naked baby? The truth is, when a child points out the body part that she doesn’t have, all a parent is required to do is call it by its name.”

However, not everyone agrees it’s as easy as Beyer says. One parent commented on Facebook, “telling my child that it’s a penis will not take away from the fact that she is 4 and it is not necessary for her to learn that anatomy at this time.”

A Bigger Issue

Whether you are for or against the doll, one thing is true: The box does not come with a warning label. This is what makes the majority of parents upset.

They feel it’s up to them to decide when to teach their child this lesson. By not having the label, the parents are forced into a situation that they may not be prepared for. Sadly, this can cause them to mishandle the situation and that could hurt the child.

It must be noted that this isn’t the first child’s doll to be anatomically correct. The first one came out in 1976 and was equally controversial. Do you think it’s time to stop making these dolls or would adding a label help the situation?

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